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News, information, and tips from the Animal Emergency Hospital team.

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Our Blog

News, information, and tips from the Animal Emergency Hospital team.

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10 Warning Signs of Cancer in Pets

10 Warning Signs of Cancer in Pets

With pets living longer than ever, there’s a higher risk of cancer development in old age. But, by knowing the cancer warning signs, you can quickly detect abnormalities. Here are ten cancer signs to watch for in your pet. #1: Abnormal or rapidly growing swellings...

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Snow and Cold Weather Protection for Cats and Dogs

Snow and Cold Weather Protection for Cats and Dogs

As winter continues to bring freezing temperatures to Burton, MI, your pet may experience some cold weather discomfort. Despite their fur coat, pets are as susceptible to cold and snow as people and can quickly succumb to frostbite, hypothermia, and other...

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Halloween Safety Tips for your Pets

Halloween Safety Tips for your Pets

The first thing to know about Halloween is that it breaks your pets’ routine – and they hate that. If you keep that in mind as you plan your celebration you'll be much happier, said Julie Bank, president and CEO of Pasadena Humane Society and SPCA, California. "Dogs...

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What is Limber Tail Syndrome in Dogs?

What is Limber Tail Syndrome in Dogs?

Limber tail syndrome in dogs When your dog is happy, his tail is likely wagging. When he’s feeling threatened or aggressive, it might be rigid. When he’s scared, he could tuck it between his hind legs. His tail helps him stay balanced when he’s moving around on land,...

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First Aid for Your Pet

First Aid for Your Pet

First Aid for Your Pet What’s the worst thing that could happen during an emergency? Not knowing what to do during the emergency. While many of us have an emergency preparedness plan for our families, we often fail to think about what Fido and Fluffy might need during...

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Foods Your Feline Should Avoid

Foods Your Feline Should Avoid

Foods Your Feline Should Avoid Cats can be finicky eaters, so once they show interest in something, many pet owners will stick with it. There are a few foods, however, you should avoid feeding to your feline friend, and some might surprise you. Tuna A cat fed a steady...

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Is Your Pet in Pain?

Is Your Pet in Pain?

Is Your Dog in Pain? They say dogs are “man’s best friend,” and if your best friend were feeling pain, wouldn’t you want to do everything you could to alleviate it? Our team at Animal Emergency Hospital put together a list of a few signs that might indicate your...

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Optimizing Your Pet’s Safety With Anesthetic Monitoring

Optimizing Your Pet’s Safety With Anesthetic Monitoring

How Monitoring Equipment Keeps Your Pet Safe During Anesthesia Animal Emergency Hospital understands that many pet owners worry about putting their beloved companion under anesthesia, whether for an elective procedure, or a life-saving surgery. However, our entire...

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Why Is My Cat Throwing Up?

Why Is My Cat Throwing Up?

Cat Parent Problems If you have a cat, chances are good that you’ve asked yourself 'why is my cat throwing up' from time to time. But how much vomiting is normal for a cat? When should your cat’s vomiting become a cause for concern? Why does my cat vomit? If your cat...

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Dog Breeds With High Risk of Bloat

Dog Breeds With High Risk of Bloat

Canine Bloat Do you know which dog breeds have the highest risk of bloat? But first, what is bloat? Gastric dilation-volvulus (GDV), also known as bloat, occurs when a dog’s stomach becomes blocked, and gas and fluid accumulate, causing the stomach to stretch to many...

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