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News, information, and tips from the Animal Emergency Hospital team.

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Our Blog

News, information, and tips from the Animal Emergency Hospital team.

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6 Tips to Relax Your Pet During a Noisy New Year’s Eve

6 Tips to Relax Your Pet During a Noisy New Year’s Eve

New Year’s Eve is one of the party nights we most look forward to in the year, but it can also be a night of high anxiety for our pets. To help your pet get through the noisy night, consider these tips.1. Confining Your PetMany pets have a favorite hiding place where...

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Holiday Pet Safety Tips

Holiday Pet Safety Tips

It’s a holly, jolly holiday season, but this time of year can be dangerous for our pets. Here are a few holiday hazards to avoid so your furry companions feel merry and bright the whole holiday season through.Fire/burn hazardsA curious pet could knock over a burning...

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Fourth of July Safety Tips

Fourth of July Safety Tips

The Fourth of July: There’s nothing like celebrating freedom by having fun with friends at backyard barbecues and fireworks shows! But, the Fourth of July often isn’t as fun for our furry friends. Keep these tips in mind to enjoy a safe Independence Day with your...

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How To Tell Your Dog is in Pain

How To Tell Your Dog is in Pain

They say dogs are “man’s best friend,” and if your best friend were feeling pain, wouldn’t you want to do everything you could to alleviate it? If only our dogs could talk! Then they could tell us what's wrong. Unfortunately, it's up to us to recognize the signs of...

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Summer Heat Dangers

Summer Heat Dangers

As the weather warms up with summer quickly approaching, it's time to prepare for the dangers this season brings; specifically, heat. By now you know that you should never leave a pet in your car during a warm day, even for a few moments. Seventy degrees and sunshine...

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What To Do When Your Pet Is Vomiting or Has Diarrhea

What To Do When Your Pet Is Vomiting or Has Diarrhea

There will likely come a time when your pet experiences one of these unfortunate events. Diarrhea is the frequent evacuation of watery stools, and vomiting is the forceful expulsion of stomach contents through the mouth. Both of these issues can be both mild or...

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